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This template uses the Database module to generate displays or tables for actions. All parameters requiring a value are not case-sensitive.


To generate an action display, set the first parameter as display. Action displays are also used as infoboxes (right float) on each individual action page.

This would create a display listing all actions:
{{ Action | display }}

Monster Parameter

The monster parameter is used to only show all the possible actions that the specified monster can learn.

This would create a display listing all actions that Nosferatu can learn:
{{ Action | display | monster = Nosferatu }}

Filter Parameters

There are additional parameters that can be used to filter only specific actions. Up to three filter types can be made, each up to three filter values.

  • filterType#: The action attribute, such as maverick, action, elements, types, and category. (# - 1, 2, 3)
  • value#: The desired value of the attribute. Required when there is a filter type. (# - 1, 2, 3)
  • orValue##: The other desired value of the attribute. Optional. (## - 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32)
This would create a display listing all starting actions:
{{ Action | display
| filterType1 = types | value1 = start

This would create a display listing all actions that costs Fire or Wind Aether:
{{ Action | display
| filterType1 = elements | value1 = fire | orValue11 = wind

This would create a display listing only Maverick actions that Domovoy can learn:
{{ Action | display | monster = Domovoy
| filterType1 = maverick | value1 = true

This would create a display listing actions that costs Earth Aether and assigned with the Purge type:
{{ Action | display
| filterType1 = elements | value1 = earth
| filterType2 = types    | value2 = purge

Notes Parameter

If set to true, the notes parameter will show any additional notes of each action. By default, the notes are hidden.

This display would have the notes visible:
{{ Action | display | notes = true }}

Tables (Deprecated)

To generate an action table, set the first parameter as table. Tables have the same parameters as display, such as monster, notes, filterType, value, and orValue. However, it is recommended to use display where possible.

This would create a table listing all actions:
{{ Action | table }}


To generate an action display or table with custom listing (without any specific filters), set the first parameter as displaylist or tablelist, respectively, followed by each action name.

This would create a table/display that will only list out the given actions (in the same order it is listed):
{{ Action | displaylist | Wind Kick | Power Brand | Ancient Blast | Volcanic Guard }}
{{ Action | tablelist   | Wind Kick | Power Brand | Ancient Blast | Volcanic Guard }}