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This template uses the Database module to generate displays or tables for signature traits. All parameters requiring a value are not case-sensitive.

Displays & Tables

To generate a trait display or table, set the first parameter as display or table, respectively. Trait displays are also used as infoboxes (right float) on each individual signature trait page.

This would create a display/table listing all signature traits:
{{ SignatureTrait | display }}
{{ SignatureTrait | table }}


To generate a trait display or table with custom listing (without any specific filters), set the first parameter as displaylist or tablelist, respectively, followed by each trait name.

This would create a table/display that will only list out the given signature traits (in the same order it is listed):
{{ SignatureTrait | displaylist | Gift of the Wyrm | Wholesome | Two Headed | Eagle Eyes }}
{{ SignatureTrait | tablelist   | Gift of the Wyrm | Wholesome | Two Headed | Eagle Eyes }}