Affliction (Type)

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Ooze Portrait.png Ooze
Earth element.png Water element.png


Name Effect Types
Trait cosmic torment.png
Cosmic Torment
Aura: For every 10 debuffs applied to allies: Generates Wild Aether. Affliction
Trait healthy cleanse.png
Healthy Cleanse
Aura: Whenever a debuff is cleansed from an ally: Heals them and applies Shield to them for 3. Affliction
Trait peak performance.png
Peak Performance
Aura: Whenever an ally reaches 4 debuff stacks: Applies Power to them. Triggers only once per monster per combat. Affliction
Trait shared torment.png
Shared Torment
Whenever a debuff stack is applied to this monster: Applies the same debuff to another random ally or enemy. Affliction
Trait torment doubling.png
Torment Doubling
On Action: If the action applied debuffs to enemies, applies those debuffs another time to the enemies and to self. Affliction

Maverick Traits

Name Effect Types
Trait conversion pact.png
Conversion Pact
Aura: At the end of your turn: Deals a Fire/Water hit to all enemies; damage equals debuffs cleansed or consumed from allies this round. Affliction
Trait overheat.png
Aura: At the end of your turn: Triggers Burn on each enemy with 3 or more Burn and applies 3 Burn to this monster for each one. Affliction
Trait perserverance.png
Aura: Whenever a debuff is applied to an ally: 15% chance to apply Dodge to them. Affliction
Trait rejuvenation.png
Aura: Whenever Regeneration is consumed by an ally: Cleanses 2 debuff stacks from them and apply them to random enemies. Affliction
Trait shielded torment.png
Shielded Torment
At the end of your turn: Applies 2 Shield to self for every debuff stack on it. Affliction
Trait tainted power.png
Tainted Power
Aura: Whenever Power is applied to an ally: Applies Power and 3 Affliction to them. Triggers once per ally per turn. Affliction


Name Cost Types
Action alchemical blast.png Alchemical Blast Fire element.png Fire element.png Water element.png Water element.png Affliction
4 x 3 damage against target enemy.
Applies 5 x Affliction to target enemy and self.
Damage / Debuff Action
Action gem chaos.png Gem Chaos Earth element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Affliction
2 x 3 damage against all enemies.
Applies 3 x Affliction to all monsters.
Damage / Debuff Action
Action petal cleanse.png Petal Cleanse Earth element.png Water element.png Affliction
Cleanses 3 Debuffs from all allies.
Free Action.
Action snowy embrace.png Snowy Embrace Water element.png Wind element.png Affliction
Shields all allies for 2 x 4.
Heals all allies with a debuff for 2 x 3.
Healing / Shielding Action
Action torment eruption.png Torment Eruption Earth element.png Earth element.png Fire element.png Affliction
2 x 3 damage against target enemy.
Deals an additional 0 damage hit. (3 for each debuff stack on this monster)
Damage Action
Action water ritual.png Water Ritual Water element.png Aether
Cleanses 5 Debuffs from target ally.
Generates Water/Water/Water Aether.
Aether Action

Maverick Actions

Name Cost Types
Action reactive shield.png Reactive Shield Fire element.png Water element.png Water element.png Affliction
Shields all allies for 2 x 5.
Allies gain: "Retaliate: Apply 3 Affliction to the enemy and to this monster."
Shielding Action