Dodge (Type)

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Nosferatu Portrait.png Nosferatu
Water element.png Wind element.png


Name Effect Types
Trait afterstorm.png
Aura: Whenever an ally evades a hit: Deals a Wind hit with 7 damage to the attacker. Triggers once per enemy per turn. Dodge
Trait concealed.png
At the start of your turn: If this monster did not attack in this combat yet, applies Dodge and 3 Shield to self. Dodge
Trait eye of the storm.png
Eye of the Storm
Aura: For every 50 Wind or Wild damage dealt to enemies: Applies Dodge to each ally. Dodge
Trait haste.png
Aura: Dodge now only increases Evasion by 8% per stack and doesn't get consumed when attacked. After an ally's turn, they consume 5 stacks of Dodge to Reactivate their turn. Dodge
Trait tailwind.png
Aura: Whenever an ally evades a hit: Generates Wind Aether; if you have 5 or more Wind Aether, Wild Aether is generated instead. Triggers once per ally per turn. Dodge

Maverick Traits

Name Effect Types
Trait evasion mastery.png
Evasion Mastery
Aura: Crit Chance on allies also increases their Evasion by 33% of that amount. Critical
Trait martial prowess.png
Martial Prowess
Whenever an ally evades a hit: Applies Sidekick to them. Triggers once per ally per turn. Dodge
Trait perserverance.png
Aura: Whenever a debuff is applied to an ally: 15% chance to apply Dodge to them. Affliction
Trait serpentine maneuvers.png
Serpentine Maneuvers
For every 3 hits evaded by your allies: Applies Power to the ally with the lowest amount of Power. Dodge
Trait shadow meld.png
Shadow Meld
Aura: Whenever an ally attacks an enemy with 3 or more Terror: Applies Dodge to that ally. Dodge


Name Cost Types
Action elixir.png Elixir Fire element.png Water element.png Dodge
Heals target ally for 2 x 5.
Applies 2 x Dodge to target ally.
Healing / Buff Action
Action reflective trap.png Reflective Trap Earth element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Dodge
Applies x 2 Dodge to target ally.
Retaliate: Triggers 2 x {5) Earth/Wind damage attack against the enemy.
Buff Action
Action solar wind.png Solar Wind Fire element.png Fire element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Dodge
2 x 4 damage against all enemies.
On Interrupt: Applies Dodge to all allies.
Damage / Buff Action
Action speed of sound.png Speed of Sound Wind element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Dodge
4 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Applies Dodge to self.
Damage / Buff Action

Maverick Actions

Name Cost Types