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Name Effect Types
Trait aether breath.png
Aether Breath
Aura: When your allies have consumed 20 Aether in a single combat: Applies 2 Power to this Monster and triggers an attack against all enemies for 3 x 2 Wild damage. Triggers once per combat. Aether
Trait aether cycle.png
Aether Cycle
Aura: For every 7 Aether consumed by allies: Generates Wild Aether. Aether
Trait aether fiend.png
Aether Fiend
Aura: Whenever an ally Purges or Steals Aether: Generates 1 additional Aether of the same element. Allies take 1 more damage from all hits. Purge
Trait aethereal regeneration.png
Aethereal Regeneration
Aura: For every 3 consumed Regeneration stacks: Generates 1 random Aether. Regeneration
Trait afterstorm.png
Aura: Whenever an ally evades a hit: Deals a Wind hit with 7 damage to the attacker. Triggers once per enemy per turn. Dodge
Trait age absorption.png
Age Absorption
Aura: For every 20 damage absorbed by Shields on allies: Applies Age to all allies with Age. Age
Trait aggressive purging.png
Aggressive Purging
Aura: On every 4 Attacks from allies: Purges 1 enemy Aether. Purge
Trait ascension.png
Aura: When your allies have healed for a total of 100 health in a single combat: Applies 2 Power to each ally. Triggers once per combat. Heal
Trait beacon.png
Aura: Whenever one or more Regeneration stacks are consumed by an ally: Consumes a Burn stack on a random enemy to apply another Regeneration stack to the ally. Burn
Trait blind.png
Aura: Enemies with Terror have a 15% chance to miss each hit. Whenever an enemy misses a hit: Applies Terror to them. Terror
Trait blood pact.png
Blood Pact
Aura: At the end of your turn: Deals a Water hit to all enemies; damage equals 1 for every 5 healing received by allies this round. Heal
Trait burning desire.png
Burning Desire
Aura: For every 4 Burn applied to enemies: Applies 3 Shield to all allies. Burn
Trait burning fire.png
Burning Fire
Aura: For every 3 Fire Aether consumed by allies: Applies Burn to all enemies. Burn
Trait burning mark.png
Burning Mark
Aura: Allies gain +5% Crit Chance against enemies for every stack of Burn on them. Burn
Trait cleanse corruption.png
Cleanse Corruption
Healing +1.
Aura: Whenever an ally is healed to full health: Cleanses 2 Corruption from it. Triggers once per monster per combat.
Trait contagion.png
Aura: Whenever an enemy's Weakness is consumed: 50% chance to apply Weakness to another random enemy. Weakness
Trait controlled burn.png
Controlled Burn
Aura: For every Aether purged or stolen by allies: Applies 1 Burn to the enemy with the lowest amount of Burn. Burn
Trait conversion pact.png
Conversion Pact
Aura: At the end of your turn: Deals a Fire/Water hit to all enemies; damage equals debuffs cleansed or consumed from allies this round. Affliction
Trait cosmic absorption.png
Cosmic Absorption
Aura: For every 20 damage absorbed by Shields on allies: Generates Wild Aether. Aether
Trait cosmic healing.png
Cosmic Healing
Aura: For every 50 healing of your allies: Generates 1 Wild Aether. Heal
Trait cosmic hex.png
Cosmic Hex
Aura: Whenever an enemy is staggered: Consumes all stacks of Weakness on them to generate Wild Aether for each one. Weakness
Trait cosmic horror.png
Cosmic Horror
Terror Application +1.
Aura: At the start of your turn: Generates Wild Aether for every enemy with 5 or more Terror.
Trait cosmic torment.png
Cosmic Torment
Aura: For every 10 debuffs applied to allies: Generates Wild Aether. Affliction
Trait cursed.png
Aura: Whenever an enemy's Weakness is consumed: Applies 2 Terror to that enemy. Terror
Trait eldritch horror.png
Eldritch Horror
Aura: Gains Aging. For every 2 Age: Applies Terror stacks to the enemy with the lowest amount of Terror equal to the total amount of Age on all allies. Age
Trait emergency response.png
Emergency Response
Aura: At the start of your turn: Applies 2 Shield to all allies. Triggers one more time for allies with 60% or less health. Shield
Trait evasion mastery.png
Evasion Mastery
Aura: Crit Chance on allies also increases their Evasion by 33% of that amount. Critical
Trait eye of the storm.png
Eye of the Storm
Aura: For every 50 Wind or Wild damage dealt to enemies: Applies Dodge to each ally. Dodge
Trait fatal upkeep.png
Fatal Upkeep
Aura: Debuffs deal 3 more damage against enemies. Poison
Trait fear toxin.png
Fear Toxin
Aura: Poison on enemies with Terror does Wild Damage and deals 1 extra damage for every 3 Terror stacks on the enemy. Poison
Trait first aid.png
First Aid
Aura: Whenever Regeneration is applied to an ally: Heals them for 3. Heal
Trait golden age.png
Golden Age
Aura: Gains Aging. For every 3 Age: Cleanses 3 debuffs and applies Age to allies with Age. Age
Trait haste.png
Aura: Dodge now only increases Evasion by 8% per stack and doesn't get consumed when attacked. After an ally's turn, they consume 5 stacks of Dodge to Reactivate their turn. Dodge
Trait healing hex.png
Healing Hex
Aura: Whenever an enemy's Weakness is consumed: Heals the ally with the lowest health for 3. Heal
Trait healthy cleanse.png
Healthy Cleanse
Aura: Whenever a debuff is cleansed from an ally: Heals them and applies Shield to them for 3. Affliction
Trait hexing strikes.png
Hexing Strikes
Aura: On Single-Target Attack from any ally: If the enemy has less than 2 Weakness, applies 1 Weakness to them. Weakness
Trait hunt.png
Aura: Allies gain +15% Crit Chance. Critical
Trait incubation.png
Aura: Poison no longer triggers at the start of turn. Poison damage is doubled. Poison
Trait instant regeneration.png
Instant Regeneration
Aura: On Action from any ally: Triggers Regeneration on them. Regeneration
Trait joint protection.png
Joint Protection
Aura: Whenever an ally triggers Sidekick: Applies 2 Shield to that ally and to self. Sidekick
Trait kindle.png
Aura: For every 4 Burn applied to enemies: Generates Fire Aether. Burn
Trait leadership.png
Aura: As long as this monster has Sidekick, other allies gain +2 Damage. Sidekick
Trait leeching bond.png
Leeching Bond
Aura: Whenever one or more Regeneration stacks are consumed on this monster: Deals a Water hit to all enemies with Weakness with 8 damage. Regeneration
Trait long-lived.png
Aura: Whenever Regeneration stacks are applied to an ally, an additional stack is applied. The healing of Regeneration stacks is reduced by 1. Regeneration
Trait make it double.png
Make It Double
Aura: Sidekick deals 2 x 2 damage. Sidekick
Trait mesmerize.png
Aura: Whenever an enemy's Weakness is consumed: Applies Redirect to self. Triggers once per round. Tank
Trait nightmare.png
Terror Application +1.
Aura: At the start of your turn: Deals a Wild Damage hit with 9 damage to all enemies with 5 or more Terror.
Trait overheat.png
Aura: At the end of your turn: Triggers Burn on each enemy with 3 or more Burn and applies 3 Burn to this monster for each one. Affliction
Trait panic.png
Aura: Whenever a Wild Damage hit staggers an enemy: Purges 1 enemy Aether and applies 5 Terror to each other enemy. Terror
Trait peak calamity.png
Peak Calamity
Aura: Whenever an ally attacks an enemy with 5 or more Terror: Applies Power to that ally. Power
Trait peak performance.png
Peak Performance
Aura: Whenever an ally reaches 4 debuff stacks: Applies Power to them. Triggers only once per monster per combat. Affliction
Trait permafrost.png
Aura: Instead of Shields on allies vanishing at the start of your turn, half of all Shields are retained, rounded up. Shield
Trait perserverance.png
Aura: Whenever a debuff is applied to an ally: 15% chance to apply Dodge to them. Affliction
Trait plague.png
Aura: Whenever Poison triggers on an enemy: Applies Poison to all other enemies. Poison
Trait power generator.png
Power Generator
Aura: For every 3 Power applied to allies: Generates 1 random Aether. Power
Trait prime absorption.png
Prime Absorption
Aura: For every 20 damage absorbed by Shields on allies: Applies Power to the ally with the lowest amount of Power. Power
Trait protector.png
Aura: As long as this monster has Redirect, allies gain +1 Defense and +1 Shielding. Tank
Trait rapid fire.png
Rapid Fire
Aura: Whenever an enemy gets attacked for the second time in the same turn: Triggers Burn on them. Burn
Trait regenerated prime.png
Regenerated Prime
Aura: When Regeneration triggers on an ally with full health: Applies Power to them. Triggers up to twice per monster per combat. Regeneration
Trait regenerating water.png
Regenerating Water
Aura: On Water Action from any ally: Applies Regeneration on the ally with the lowest amount of Regeneration. Regeneration
Trait regeneration shield.png
Regeneration Shield
Aura: Whenever Regeneration triggers on an ally: Applies 4 Shield to them. Regeneration
Trait rejuvenation.png
Aura: Whenever Regeneration is consumed by an ally: Cleanses 2 debuff stacks from them and apply them to random enemies. Affliction
Trait rising fire.png
Rising Fire
Aura: Whenever Burn triggers on an enemy: Applies Burn to the enemy with the lowest amount of Burn. Burn
Trait sensitivity.png
Aura: Weakness only reduces damage to 3 base damage, but each hit against enemies with Weakness deals 2 more damage. Weakness
Trait shadow meld.png
Shadow Meld
Aura: Whenever an ally attacks an enemy with 3 or more Terror: Applies Dodge to that ally. Dodge
Trait shielding winds.png
Shielding Winds
Aura: On Wind Action from any ally: Applies 2 Shield to each ally. Shield
Trait slasher.png
Aura: Attacks of your allies increase the amount of Terror on the attacked enemies by 33%, rounded up, instead of consuming stacks. At the end of your turn: 66% of all Terror stacks on enemies are consumed, rounded up. Sidekick
Trait synchronous aging.png
Synchronous Aging
Aura: Whenever you reach 5 Aether of the same element: Applies Age and 5 Shield to all allies with Age. Triggers once per element per combat. Aether
Trait synchronous healing.png
Synchronous Healing
Aura: Whenever you reach 5 Aether of the same element: Heals all allies for 2 x 3. Triggers once per element per combat. Aether
Trait synchronous majesty.png
Synchronous Majesty
Aura: When you reach 5 Aether of the same element: Purges 1 enemy Aether of the same element and applies Power to self. Triggers once per element per combat. Aether
Trait tactical shields.png
Tactical Shields
Aura: Allies with 7 or more Shield gain +1 Damage and +15% Crit Chance. Shield
Trait tailwind.png
Aura: Whenever an ally evades a hit: Generates Wind Aether; if you have 5 or more Wind Aether, Wild Aether is generated instead. Triggers once per ally per turn. Dodge
Trait tainted power.png
Tainted Power
Aura: Whenever Power is applied to an ally: Applies Power and 3 Affliction to them. Triggers once per ally per turn. Affliction
Trait toxic cycle.png
Toxic Cycle
Aura: For every 6 Poison stacks applied to enemies: Applies Regeneration to each ally. Poison
Trait toxic earth.png
Toxic Earth
Aura: On Earth Action from any ally: Applies Poison to each enemy. Poison
Trait toxic shielding.png
Toxic Shielding
Aura: Whenever Shield is applied to an ally: Applies Poison to the enemy with the lowest amount of Poison. Poison
Trait vigorous edge.png
Vigorous Edge
Aura: Your allies gain +10% Crit Chance for every Regeneration stack on them. Each attack consumes 1 Regeneration. Critical
Trait void burn.png
Void Burn
Aura: At the start of your turn: Generates Wild/Wild Aether. At the end of your turn: Consumes all Wild Aether and deals a 4 damage hit to this Monster for each. Aether
Trait void infusion.png
Void Infusion
Aura: Whenever Wild Aether is spent on an ally's action, its second hit does Wild Damage. If it's a Support Action, it applies 1 Terror to each enemy instead. Aether
Trait warlock party.png
Warlock Party
Aura: On Support Action from any ally: Applies 1 Weakness to the enemy with the lowest amount of Weakness. Weakness
Trait wild fear.png
Wild Fear
Terror Application +1.
Aura: Wild Damage hits of your allies gain +1 Poise Damage.