Sidekick (Type)

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Gargoyle Portrait.png Gargoyle
Earth element.png Wind element.png
Orthrus Portrait.png Orthrus
Fire element.png Water element.png
Wolpertinger Portrait.png Wolpertinger
Water element.png Wind element.png


Name Effect Types
Trait helping winds.png
Helping Winds
For every 3 Wind Aether consumed by allies: Applies Sidekick to self. Sidekick
Trait indomitable attacks.png
Indomitable Attacks
On Attack: Cleanses 2 debuffs from self and heals self for 3. Sidekick
Trait joint protection.png
Joint Protection
Aura: Whenever an ally triggers Sidekick: Applies 2 Shield to that ally and to self. Sidekick
Trait leadership.png
Aura: As long as this monster has Sidekick, other allies gain +2 Damage. Sidekick
Trait make it double.png
Make It Double
Aura: Sidekick deals 2 x 2 damage. Sidekick
Trait sidekick generator.png
Sidekick Generator
Whenever Sidekick is applied to this monster: Generates 1 random Aether. Sidekick

Maverick Traits

Name Effect Types
Trait experienced strikes.png
Experienced Strikes
Gains Aging. For every 2 Age: Applies Sidekick to self. Sidekick on this monster deals additional damage equal to the amount of Age stacks on it. Age
Trait exploit.png
On Interrupt: Applies Sidekick to self. Purge
Trait martial prowess.png
Martial Prowess
Whenever an ally evades a hit: Applies Sidekick to them. Triggers once per ally per turn. Dodge
Trait quicken.png
For every 15 healing this monster receives or applies to other monsters: Applies Sidekick to self. Heal
Trait sidecrits.png
This monster's Sidekick Attack is always Critical. Critical
Trait slasher.png
Aura: Attacks of your allies increase the amount of Terror on the attacked enemies by 33%, rounded up, instead of consuming stacks. At the end of your turn: 66% of all Terror stacks on enemies are consumed, rounded up. Sidekick


Name Cost Types
Action aerial strike.png Aerial Strike Wind element.png Wind element.png Sidekick
3 x 2 damage against target enemy.
Applies Sidekick to self.
Damage / Buff Action
Action charge up.png Charge Up Fire element.png Wind element.png Sidekick
Applies Sidekick to self.
Free Action.
Buff Action
Action energy rush.png Energy Rush Fire element.png Fire element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Sidekick
4 x 3 damage against target enemy.
On Interrupt: Applies 2 x Sidekick to self.
Damage / Buff Action
Action petal spell.png Petal Spell Earth element.png Water element.png Sidekick
2 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Cleanses 2 Debuffs from self.
Applies Sidekick to self.
Damage / Buff Action
Action temporal borealis.png Temporal Borealis Water element.png Wind element.png Sidekick
Applies Sidekick to self. Reactivates target ally. Buff Action

Maverick Actions

Name Cost Types
Action comet rush.png Comet Rush Earth element.png Earth element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Power
3 x 7 damage against target enemy.
Applies Sidekick to self.
On Interrupt: Applies Power to all allies.
Damage / Buff Action
Action snow support.png Snow Support Water element.png Water element.png Wind element.png Heal
Heals all allies for 2 x 5.
Cleanses 2 Debuffs from all allies.
Applies 2 x Sidekick to self.
Healing / Buff Action
Action stolen gemstone.png Stolen Gemstone Earth element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Purge
Steals 2 enemy Aether
Applies 2 x Sidekick to self.
Buff Action