Power (Type)

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Gargoyle Portrait.png Gargoyle
Earth element.png Wind element.png
Orthrus Portrait.png Orthrus
Fire element.png Water element.png
Star Spawn Portrait.png Star Spawn
Fire element.png Water element.png
Wyrmling Portrait.png Wyrmling
Fire element.png Wind element.png


Name Effect Types
Trait magnus hit.png
Magnus Hit
On Attack: Deals an extra hit with damage equal to the total amount of Power in the party. Power
Trait meditation.png
On every 3 Support Actions: Applies Power to self. Power
Trait momentum.png
On every 4 Attacks:: Applies Power to self. Power
Trait power generator.png
Power Generator
Aura: For every 3 Power applied to allies: Generates 1 random Aether. Power
Trait support attacks.png
Support Attacks
On Support Action: Deals an extra hit with 3 damage to Target Enemy and triggers On Attack effects. Power

Maverick Traits

Name Effect Types
Trait aether breath.png
Aether Breath
Aura: When your allies have consumed 20 Aether in a single combat: Applies 2 Power to this Monster and triggers an attack against all enemies for 3 x 2 Wild damage. Triggers once per combat. Aether
Trait flawless defense.png
Flawless Defense
On every 4 Retaliates: Applies Power and 4 Shield to self. Power
Trait peak calamity.png
Peak Calamity
Aura: Whenever an ally attacks an enemy with 5 or more Terror: Applies Power to that ally. Power
Trait power healing.png
Power Healing
Whenever Power is applied to this monster: Heals each ally for 3. Heal
Trait prime absorption.png
Prime Absorption
Aura: For every 20 damage absorbed by Shields on allies: Applies Power to the ally with the lowest amount of Power. Power
Trait serpentine maneuvers.png
Serpentine Maneuvers
For every 3 hits evaded by your allies: Applies Power to the ally with the lowest amount of Power. Dodge
Trait tainted power.png
Tainted Power
Aura: Whenever Power is applied to an ally: Applies Power and 3 Affliction to them. Triggers once per ally per turn. Affliction


Name Cost Types
Action air dart.png Air Dart Wind element.png Wind element.png Aether
2 x 2 damage against target enemy.
Free Action.
Damage Action
Action deep breath.png Deep Breath Wind element.png Wind element.png Power
Applies 2 x Temporary Power to self.
Free Action.
Buff Action
Action dust strike.png Dust Strike Earth element.png Earth element.png Wind element.png Power
3 x 3 damage against target enemy.
On Interrupt: Applies Power to self.
Then apply 2 Shield for each Power stack.
Damage / Shielding / Buff Action
Action ember dart.png Ember Dart Fire element.png Fire element.png Aether
2 x 2 damage against target enemy.
Free Action.
Damage Action
Action icy assault.png Icy Assault Water element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Power
5 x 3 damage against target enemy. Damage Action
Action lava surge.png Lava Surge Earth element.png Earth element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Power
2 x 4 damage against all enemies.
On Interrupt: Applies Power to self.
Damage / Buff Action
Action overheated smash.png Overheated Smash Fire element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Power
4 x 4 damage against target enemy.
On Interrupt: Applies Power to self.
Damage / Buff Action
Action power brand.png Power Brand Fire element.png Fire element.png Heal
Heals target ally for 3 x 4.
Applies 2 x Temporary Power to target ally.
Healing / Buff Action
Action transmutation.png Transmutation Fire element.png Water element.png Power
Consumes 1 Power on target ally as additional cost.
Generates Wild/Wild/Wild Aether.
Free Action.
Aether Action
Action volcanic essence.png Volcanic Essence Earth element.png Earth element.png Fire element.png Power
Heals all allies for 3 x 4.
Then, if all allies have full health, applies Power to self.
Healing / Buff Action

Maverick Actions

Name Cost Types
Action comet rush.png Comet Rush Earth element.png Earth element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Fire element.png Power
3 x 7 damage against target enemy.
Applies Sidekick to self.
On Interrupt: Applies Power to all allies.
Damage / Buff Action
Action meteor charm.png Meteor Charm Earth element.png Fire element.png Power
Applies Temporary Power to target ally.
Then apply 4 Shield for each Power stack.
Free Action.
Shielding / Buff Action
Action void lightning.png Void Lightning Fire element.png Fire element.png Wind element.png Wind element.png Aether
5 x 3 damage against target enemy.
Consumes 1 Wild Aether: Applies Power to self.
Damage / Buff Action