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Mandy.png Mandra- IT'S MANDY!
Current content is information obtained from the Closed Alpha. Spoilers ahead!

Starting Actions

Action invigorate.png Invigorate

Fire element.png

Heals all allies for 5.
Applies Regeneration to all allies.
Starting Action
Action boiling soup.png Boiling Soup

Water element.pngFire element.png

2 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Consume all Cooking stacks to Apply 4 x Burn to target enemy for each consumed stack.
Starting Action

Learnable Traits & Actions

Click here to toggle the Traits list table.

Trait aethereal regeneration.png Aethereal Regeneration

Aura: For every 3 consumed Regeneration stacks: Generates 1 random Aether.
Trait ascension.png Ascension

Aura: When your allies have healed for a total of 100 health in a single combat: Applies 2 Power to each ally. Triggers once per combat.
Trait auto heal.png Auto Heal

On Attack: Heals the ally with the lowest health by 2 x 2.
Trait blood pact.png Blood Pact

Aura: At the end of your turn: Deals a Water hit to all enemies; damage equals 1 for every 5 healing received by allies this round.
Trait burning fire.png Burning Fire

Aura: For every 3 Fire Aether consumed by allies: Applies Burn to all enemies.
Trait cleanse corruption.png Cleanse Corruption

Healing +1.
Aura: Whenever an ally is healed to full health: Cleanses 2 Corruption from it. Triggers once per monster per combat.
Trait cosmic healing.png Cosmic Healing

Aura: For every 50 healing of your allies: Generates 1 Wild Aether.
Trait enkindled aether.png Enkindled Aether

On Attack: Consumes up to one Fire Aether to deal a Fire hit with 5 damage and apply 3 Burn to Target Enemy.
Trait instant regeneration.png Instant Regeneration

Aura: On Action from any ally: Triggers Regeneration on them.
Trait kindle.png Kindle

Aura: For every 4 Burn applied to enemies: Generates Fire Aether.
Trait long-lived.png Long-Lived

Aura: Whenever Regeneration stacks are applied to an ally, an additional stack is applied. The healing of Regeneration stacks is reduced by 1.
Trait rapid fire.png Rapid Fire

Aura: Whenever an enemy gets attacked for the second time in the same turn: Triggers Burn on them.
Trait regenerated prime.png Regenerated Prime

Aura: When Regeneration triggers on an ally with full health: Applies Power to them. Triggers up to twice per monster per combat.
Trait regenerating water.png Regenerating Water

Aura: On Water Action from any ally: Applies Regeneration on the ally with the lowest amount of Regeneration.
Trait regeneration shield.png Regeneration Shield

Aura: Whenever Regeneration triggers on an ally: Applies 4 Shield to them.
Trait rising fire.png Rising Fire

Aura: Whenever Burn triggers on an enemy: Applies Burn to the enemy with the lowest amount of Burn.

Maverick Traits

Click here to toggle the Maverick Traits list table.

These Maverick traits will appear independently of other monsters in the party.

Trait beacon.png Beacon

Aura: Whenever one or more Regeneration stacks are consumed by an ally: Consumes a Burn stack on a random enemy to apply another Regeneration stack to the ally.
Burn + Regeneration
Trait first aid.png First Aid

Aura: Whenever Regeneration is applied to an ally: Heals them for 3.
Heal + Regeneration

These Maverick traits will only appear if there is another monster in the party with the other required type.

Trait age of fire.png Age of Fire

Gains Aging. For every 2 Age: Applies Burn stacks to all enemies equal to half of the amount of Age stacks on this monster.
Age + Burn
Trait burning desire.png Burning Desire

Aura: For every 4 Burn applied to enemies: Applies 3 Shield to all allies.
Burn + Shield
Trait burning mark.png Burning Mark

Aura: Allies gain +5% Crit Chance against enemies for every stack of Burn on them.
Burn + Critical
Trait controlled burn.png Controlled Burn

Aura: For every Aether purged or stolen by allies: Applies 1 Burn to the enemy with the lowest amount of Burn.
Burn + Purge
Trait conversion pact.png Conversion Pact

Aura: At the end of your turn: Deals a Fire/Water hit to all enemies; damage equals debuffs cleansed or consumed from allies this round.
Affliction + Heal
Trait healing hex.png Healing Hex

Aura: Whenever an enemy's Weakness is consumed: Heals the ally with the lowest health for 3.
Heal + Weakness
Trait leeching bond.png Leeching Bond

Aura: Whenever one or more Regeneration stacks are consumed on this monster: Deals a Water hit to all enemies with Weakness with 8 damage.
Regeneration + Weakness
Trait overheat.png Overheat

Aura: At the end of your turn: Triggers Burn on each enemy with 3 or more Burn and applies 3 Burn to this monster for each one.
Affliction + Burn
Trait power healing.png Power Healing

Whenever Power is applied to this monster: Heals each ally for 3.
Heal + Power
Trait quicken.png Quicken

For every 15 healing this monster receives or applies to other monsters: Applies Sidekick to self.
Heal + Sidekick
Trait rejuvenation.png Rejuvenation

Aura: Whenever Regeneration is consumed by an ally: Cleanses 2 debuff stacks from them and apply them to random enemies.
Affliction + Regeneration
Trait synchronous healing.png Synchronous Healing

Aura: Whenever you reach 5 Aether of the same element: Heals all allies for 2 x 3. Triggers once per element per combat.
Aether + Heal
Trait toxic cycle.png Toxic Cycle

Aura: For every 6 Poison stacks applied to enemies: Applies Regeneration to each ally.
Poison + Regeneration
Trait vigorous edge.png Vigorous Edge

Aura: Your allies gain +10% Crit Chance for every Regeneration stack on them. Each attack consumes 1 Regeneration.
Critical + Regeneration

Click here to toggle the Actions list table.

Action alchemical charge.png Alchemical Charge

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Fire element.pngFire element.png

3 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Purges 2 enemy Aether if target has Burn.
Otherwise applies 3 x Burn.
Action blood drain.png Blood Drain

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Water element.png

4 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Heals self for 3 x 3.
Action blossoming strike.png Blossoming Strike

Water element.pngEarth element.png
  Earth element.png

3 x 3 damage against target enemy.
Applies 2 x Regeneration to all allies.
Action boil.png Boil

Fire element.pngFire element.png

Generates Wild Aether.
Applies Cooking to self.
Free Action.
Notes: Can only be learned by Domovoy.
Action bonfire.png Bonfire

Fire element.pngFire element.png

Heals all allies for 2 x 4.
Applies Burn to all enemies.
Action burn conversion.png Burn Conversion

Fire element.png

Consumes 2 Burn among enemies as additional cost.
Generates Fire/Fire/Fire Aether.
Free Action.
Action burn wave.png Burn Wave

Fire element.pngFire element.png
  Fire element.pngFire element.png

3 x 4 damage against all enemies.
Applies 3 x Burn to all enemies.
Action cleansing rain.png Cleansing Rain

Water element.pngWater element.png

Heals all allies for 2 x 4.
Cleanses 3 Debuffs from all allies.
Cleanses 3 Debuffs from target ally.
Cleanses 1 Corruption from all allies on first use each combat.
Action energy charm.png Energy Charm

Wind element.pngFire element.png

Heals target ally for 2 x 3.
Triggers Aether Generation on target ally.
Free Action.
Aether / Heal
Action explosive release.png Explosive Release

Water element.pngFire element.png

Applies 2 x Regeneration to self.
Then consume all Regeneration stacks to deal 5 damage to target enemy for every stack consumed.
Action flash burn.png Flash Burn

Wind element.pngFire element.png

Applies 4 x Burn to target enemy.
Free Action.
Action healing brew.png Healing Brew

Water element.pngFire element.png

Heals all allies for 2 x 3.
Generates Water/Fire/Wind/Earth Aether.
Aether / Heal
Action immersion.png Immersion

Water element.pngWater element.png

Applies 3 x Regeneration to target ally.
Then trigger all Regeneration stacks on them at once.
Action lava bolt.png Lava Bolt

Fire element.pngEarth element.png

1 x 13 damage against target enemy.
Consumes all Fire Aether: +1 Poise Damage and applies 2 x Burn for each.
Action leech soup.png Leech Soup

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Earth element.png

3 x 5 damage against target enemy.
Consume all Cooking stacks to Apply 2 x Regeneration to all allies for each consumed stack.
Notes: Can only be learned by Domovoy.
Action mud fist.png Mud Fist

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Earth element.pngEarth element.png

1 x 20 damage against target enemy.
+5 Damage and +1 Poise Damage for every stack of Regeneration.
Action power brand.png Power Brand

Fire element.pngFire element.png

Heals target ally for 3 x 4.
Applies 2 x Temporary Power to target ally.
Heal / Power
Action rain of life.png Rain of Life

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Water element.png

Heals all allies for 4 x 4.
Applies 2 x Regeneration to all allies.
Action regeneration bloom.png Regeneration Bloom

Water element.pngEarth element.png

Applies Regeneration to all allies.
Free Action.
Action snow charm.png Snow Charm

Wind element.pngWater element.png

Heals target ally for 2 x 3
Shields target ally for 2 x 3
Free Action.
Heal / Shield
Action vampiric seed.png Vampiric Seed

Water element.pngEarth element.png

3 x 2 damage against target enemy.
Heals all allies for 6.
Action water charm.png Water Charm

Water element.png

Heals target ally for 2 x 4.
Free Action.

Maverick Actions

Click here to toggle the Maverick Actions list table.

These Maverick actions will only appear if there is another monster in the party with the other required type.

Action fire storm.png Fire Storm

Fire element.pngFire element.png
  Fire element.png

2 x 3 damage against all enemies.
+15% Crit Chance.
On Crit: Triggers Burn on all enemies.
Burn + Critical
Action forever soup.png Forever Soup

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Fire element.pngFire element.png

4 x 4 damage against target enemy.
Consume all Cooking stacks to Apply 1 x Age to all allies with Age for each consumed stack.
Age + Regeneration
Notes: Can only be learned by Domovoy.
Action lava fling.png Lava Fling

Fire element.pngFire element.png
  Earth element.png

Purges 2 enemy Aether.
On Interrupt: Applies 3 x Burn to all enemies.
Burn + Purge
Action lava soup.png Lava Soup

Fire element.pngEarth element.png
  Earth element.png

3 x 5 damage against target enemy.
Consume all Cooking stacks to Apply 1 x Weakness & 2 x Burn to target enemy for each consumed stack.
Burn + Weakness
Notes: Can only be learned by Domovoy.
Action petal storm.png Petal Storm

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Earth element.pngEarth element.png

2 x 4 damage against all enemies.
Applies Weakness to all enemies.
Applies Regeneration to all allies.
Regeneration + Weakness
Action reactive storm.png Reactive Storm

Water element.pngWater element.pngFire element.png
  Water element.pngFire element.png

3 x 3 damage against all enemies.
+10% Crit Chance
On Crit: Triggers Regeneration on Lowest health ally.
Critical + Regeneration
Action snow mark.png Snow Mark

Wind element.pngWater element.png
  Water element.png

Heals target ally for 2 x 5
Shields target ally for 2 x 5
Applies Redirect to target ally.
Heal + Tank
Action snow support.png Snow Support

Wind element.pngWater element.png
  Water element.png

Heals all allies for 2 x 5.
Cleanses 2 Debuffs from all allies.
Applies 2 x Sidekick to self.
Heal + Sidekick
Action stoke the fire.png Stoke the Fire

Fire element.pngFire element.png

3 x 3 damage against target enemy.
Generates Fire Aether for each {burn} stack on the target. (up to 5)
Aether + Burn
Action toxic sprawl.png Toxic Sprawl

Water element.pngWater element.png
  Earth element.png

2 x 5 damage against target enemy.
Applies X x Poison to target enemy. (1 for each Regeneration stack consumed by allies in this combat)
Poison + Regeneration
Action vampiric bite.png Vampiric Bite

Water element.pngWater element.png

1 x 3 damage against target enemy.
If this action kills an enemy: Heals self for 10 and increases this action's damage by 2. For the rest of the run.
Heal + Terror
Action water tone.png Water Tone

Wind element.pngWater element.png

Consumes 1 Regeneration on target ally as additional cost.
Applies Weakness to all enemies.
Free Action.
Regeneration + Weakness


See main article: Domovoy/Gallery.


  • Domovoy was one of the thirteen monsters available in the Closed Alpha, added by itself on July 5th, 2024. The other monsters included Cherufe, Gargoyle, Jotunn, Mandragora, Nosferatu, Ooze, Orthrus, Star Spawn, Tatzelwurm, Warden, Wolpertinger, and Wyrmling.
  • Domovoy was first officially revealed on September 7th, 2023.
    • This makes Domovoy as the 17th officially announced monster.
    • Domovoy was first teased in the sixth Devlog on September 1st, 2023, where it can be seen in the final photo behind the pipe at the bottom right. It was teased again a day before its reveal by the programming team through their drawings.


The Domovoy is a household spirit originating from Slavic mythology, particularly prevalent in Russian and Eastern European folklore. It is typically depicted as a small, bearded old man and is believed to reside in the darkest corners of the house, often near the hearth or beneath the threshold. Domovoy are protective spirits that watch over the household and its inhabitants, bringing good fortune and prosperity, especially favoring children and animals. However, they can become mischievous or even malevolent if neglected or disrespected. It is customary to leave offerings to appease the Domovoy and ensure their favor.